a packed Igor experiment file This will create many table columns and could take a lot of memory and time. Do it anyway? Igor is unable to select all of the cells because the columns have different numbers of rows. This cut will not be undoable because it will change the number of dimensions in a wave. Do you want to cut anyway? The experiment load was not completed because of low memory. To load it, quit Igor and allocate more memory to Igor using the Finder. An error occurred while executing the experiment’s initialization procedures. Turn auto-compile on and open the experiment again. preferences in your “Igor Preferences” file are bad or obsolete; they have been ignored. Do you want to fix the “Igor Preferences” file, too? An error occurred while updating the packed experiment file. The file is now in an inconsistent state. Fix this by saving the experiment to a new file (using save-as). Can’t find the record to update in the packed experiment file. This can happen if you renamed the window. You can fix this by saving the entire experiment. An error occurred while writing the experiment file(s). The experiment may be in an inconsistent state. You may need to go back to a backup copy. An error occurred while overwriting the procedure file. The original copy on disk has been lost. DO A SAVE-A-COPY TO SAVE IT IN A SAFE PLACE. It may be needed to recreate a graph, table or other object in the experiment. Looking for a plain text file. You have modified one or more auxiliary procedure files. Do you want to save the auxiliary procedure files before quitting? Do you want to save the file before killing it? Convert Rich Text Format file to Formatted Text? This experiment contains new Publishers. You must save to keep them. Procedures can not be edited until errors in the procedure window have been corrected. Do you want to overwrite the current experiment? This is a demo version of Igor. You can’t save experiments, graphics or data. Are you SURE you want to overwrite the contents of this folder? A wave must have at least two points. This may have left Igor in an inconsistent state. The experiment load was not completed because The experiment load was not completed due to errors. See the diagnostic notebook for further information. a delimited text file a general text file an Igor text file an Igor binary file Looking for Select an experiment Looking for a procedure file Where is ” before quitting? Discard changes to experiment “ Do you want to save changes to experiment “ to point to this new folder? Do you want to reset the symbolic path The home path is invalid because already exists. Do you want to change it? the symbolic path Do you want to help? The symbolic path could not be set because